Saturday, November 21, 2009

Here Kitty, Kitty...

Well, leave it up to another pic from my Los Angeles trip, to make an appearance in Stickit Notes. We were strolling through a local Ralph's Grocery Store, when I spotted this... Cat Sand? I checked on Wikipedia to see if there is a common usage of this term, but could only find that the words cat and sand, more often refer to a Sand Cat, a small wild feline. I am assuming that what we on the east coast, call "Kitty Litter", is indeed "Cat Sand" on the West Coast. Either that, or people build sandboxes for their cats to build castles in their back yards? Perhaps cats enjoy the beach as well, but require a specific variety of sand?

When I snapped this pic, of the "Sand", I didn't even notice the other item right above it, "Premium Pet". I wonder what defines a pet as being "Premium". Is that an anti-dog slur? Are they insinuating that all other pets are basic, but cats are more prestigious? How rude! It was probably those kitties themselves that posted these signs. Those cats think they are so cool.

To see what some of the coolest cats I know have said about us, check out our website.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bathroom Sinks Make Great Souvenirs

This morning, my wife noticed this puzzling sign at BWI Airport. I can see why it prompted her to send me the pic with the caption, "Huh? The water? The faucet? The mirror? The counter?" I mean, what exactly is going on here? Wherever you find signs like these, there has most likely been an offense that warranted the posting of such sign. This begs the questions, did someone try to remove the counter top? Did some would-be terrorist try to assault someone with a motion-sensing faucet? Or are you allowed to take any of these items, but simply just not allowed to take the little sign? Hmmm.......?????

If you want to see some signs that actually make sense, check out our website.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Attention: Clumsy Smokers Only Have $540 in their Bank Account

Truly puzzling isn't it? One would hope there was some reason or logic behind the specific amount of a fine for starting a fire at this lookout point in Los Angeles, CA., where I visited the other week. Maybe they did a study among arsonists and clumsy smokers and determined that their attention threshold was reached at $541? Maybe they mounted a hidden camera by this sign, and no one looked at the sign until it reached $541? Sometimes when you want to drive a simple point home, you need to create some confusion. Whatever the reason, I found it amusing.

To see some of the ways we drive some points home, check out some of our work on our website.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Caution: Do Not Cut Your Butt on the Saw!

The other week, I visited Universal Studios, in sunny Los Angeles, CA. This sign's meaning would only be obvious, if it were used at the specific location where I found it...on an escalator. Of course, my twisted mind imagined how funny it would look to post this in a woodworking shop, on the side of a saw indicating, "Caution: Do Not Cut Your Butt on the Saw!" Or possibly, every parent should have one of these to remind their children, "Unless You're a Toddler, Don't Come Down the Steps Like This!" Maybe this sign could have another practical use at a public pool stating, "No Cannonballing!" Whatever the message of the sign, be sure its placement is congruent with the message. This will insure there is always a universal interpretation. Good signs aren't just pretty, they state the message so that everyone understands it the same.

To get a look at some good signs we've done, visit our website.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ever had Leprosy?

The next few blog entries will be courtesy of my recent trip to Los Angeles, CA. This billboard made me laugh for quite awhile. I mean, leprosy? People still get that? In this day and age, and in L.A.? Obviously, they are lobbying for the importance of animal research here. Either that or L.A. has a huge epidemic with Leprosy! As usual I haven't done any research about this sign, but if their only goal was to catch attention, they definitely hit their mark with me! That should be the goal of most signage. Engage the target by capturing their attention and to make them think about your message more than the split second they see it, while passing by. I just wonder what the slogans were that got shot down? Here is a list of a few that possibly didn't make the cut.
  • Ever had Scurvy?
  • got polio?
  • Bubonic Plague got you down?
  • Not Typhus again!
For ways we've tried to catch public attention, check out our work on our website!