Saturday, January 9, 2010

Some Families Should Just Work for The Man

Yeah....this picture practically doesn't even need my commentary. Butt? I can't imagine many businesses the Butt family could go into without having someone giggle when seeing their advertisements or listing in the Yellow Pages. I know of a person I follow on Twitter that has this last name. I can't imagine that is easy to live with. Especially with immature types like myself. I guess Butt Drilling may have been an alternative to these entrepreneurial enterprises that the Butt family could have went into:
  • Butt Painting
  • Butt Landscaping
  • Butt Consulting
  • Butt Photography
To see how U-Stickit Graphics has helped local business owners improve their "bottom" line, check out our website!

Friday, January 8, 2010

What's Going On Up There?

What exactly is going on here? Ok, so look up, and you will see 2 men racing up the stairs, 1 on foot, and one in a wheel chair? It appears that the guy in the wheelchair is winning. His foot is clearly on the top step.

Either that, or maybe the walking man just shoved the guy in the wheelchair, backwards down the steps?

I really like how the guy walking up the steps appears to be dancing, putting his front foot on his tip toes, and has jazz hands. No matter what is going on here, I really need to get to the top of the steps to see what is going on. The curiosity is killing me! To see what's going on with us, check out our website!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Would Rather Die Than Lose $200

Before you grab a hold of those electrical wires, and have thousands of volts of raw energy frying your living tissues, you need to seriously think! I mean, seriously think, is it worth losing $200? I mean, if it were only $50 on the line, you may not give it a second thought, but $200!

Money is hard to part with. We spend so much time of our life working to make a good living, only to have some authority try to take it away from us when we try to enjoy the finer things of life like high voltage electrocution. To see some electrifying advertising on signs, banners, and vehicles, that business owners were happy to invest their hard-earned money in, check out our website!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Warnings Can Be Dangerous!

Is it just me, or does the placement of this sign seem to serve onlookers rather than those potential victims? It's like the sign says, "Hey, look over and watch this guy with the red mohawk hit his head, it's hilarious!"

But wait! Look at the diagram on the sign. Now look at the picture. It looks like the guy in the sign is hitting his head on...the sign! If the sign wasn't there in the first place, there wouldn't be anything for the guy to be warned about!

To check out our signs without mohawk-sporting guys on them, check out our website!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Everything Doesn't Taste Like Chicken

Maybe the stand owners were trying to tell Jewish people that they could eat smoked turkey legs as a kosher alternative to ham. Then again, if they never had ham in the past, how would they know if this slogan was correct? I've had smoked turkey legs a few times in the past, and I have never caught myself saying it tasted like anything else, and if I were to own a stand like this, I don't know if this would be the great tag-line I was looking for. Of course it could have been a better alternative to any of these slogans:
  • Smoked Turkey Legs: "You know beef? Chicken? Yeah, this tastes nothing like them."
  • Smoked Turkey Legs: "Pink poultry that won't make you sick."
  • Smoked Turkey Legs: "It's like Thanksgiving meets Marlboro."
Having a great tag-line or slogan on your banners or signs is always a good idea. Just make sure it is sending the right, and most important message. To see some great messages we have sent using signs and banners, check out our website!